
h和 taking cell phone picture of healthy 脂肪 in salad

Fat gets a bad rap even though it is a nutrient we need in our diets. The big concern is making sure we don’t have too much fat. Learn all about dietary 脂肪 和 how getting too much or too little affects our health.


是的,确实如此. Dietary 脂肪 are essential to give your body energy 和 to support cell function. They also help protect your organs 和 help keep your body warm. 脂肪 help your body absorb some nutrients 和 produce important hormones, too.

How many different kinds of 脂肪 are there?

There are four major dietary 脂肪 in food:

  1. 饱和脂肪
  2. 反式 脂肪
  3. 单不饱和脂肪
  4. 多不饱和脂肪

The four types have different chemical structures 和 physical properties. The “bad 脂肪,” saturated  和 反式 脂肪, tend to be more solid at room temperature (like butter). Monounsaturated 和 polyunsaturated 脂肪 tend to be more liquid (like canola oil).

脂肪 can also have different effects on the cholesterol levels in your body. A diet high saturated 脂肪 和 反式 脂肪 raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in your blood. Eating an overall healthy dietary pattern that is higher in monounsaturated 和 polyunsaturated 脂肪 can lower bad cholesterol levels.

Do all 脂肪 have the same number of calories?

There are nine calories in every gram of fat, regardless of what type of fat it is. 脂肪 are more energy-dense than carbohydrates 和 蛋白质, which provide four calories per gram.

Consuming high levels of calories – regardless of the source – can lead to weight gain or being overweight. Consuming high levels of saturated or 反式 脂肪 can also lead to heart disease 和 stroke. Health experts generally recommend replacing saturated 脂肪 和 反式 脂肪 with monounsaturated 脂肪 和 polyunsaturated 脂肪 – while still maintaining a nutritionally-adequate diet.

Are all foods labeled "反式 fat-free" healthy foods?

不一定. Foods labeled “0 反式 fat” or cooked with “反式 fat-free” oils may contain a lot of saturated 脂肪, which raise your bad cholesterol levels. “反式 fat-free” foods may also be unhealthy in terms of their general nutrient content. 例如, 即使它们不含反式脂肪, baked goods may be high in added sugars 和 low in nutrients. Read the Nutrition Facts , if available, or the ingredient list to underst和 the big picture.

Can 脂肪 be part of a healthy diet?

Eating foods with fat is definitely part of a healthy diet . 选择更健康的脂肪, use liquid non-tropical plant oils; low-fat or nonfat instead of full-fat dairy; 和, 如果你吃肉, 瘦肉或家禽. And remember to balance the amount of calories you eat from all foods with the amount of calories you use through physical activity.

Does eating healthier mean giving up my favorite foods?

A healthy diet can include the foods you love. Balance your portions 和 choices to emphasize a healthy overall way of eating.





