Does making 心肺复苏 simpler encourage bystanders to step up?



Adoption of a form of 心肺复苏 that does not involve mouth-to-mouth breaths significantly boosted the rate of bystanders performing the lifesaving action on someone in cardiac arrest, 瑞典的一项研究发现.

The study published Monday in the 美国心脏协会's journal 循环, also found that receiving any kind of 心肺复苏 doubled the odds of surviving a cardiac arrest compared with receiving no 心肺复苏 before emergency medical services arrived.

只用手的心肺复苏, 其中只包括胸外按压, has emerged in recent years as an alternative to standard 心肺复苏, which involves both chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths.

在这项新研究中,有30人,445人在医院外心脏骤停, 40%的人没有接受过旁观者心肺复苏, 39 percent received standard 心肺复苏 and 20 percent received compressions only.

Researchers examined three time periods over the past two decades when compression-only 心肺复苏 was being gradually adopted within Sweden's 心肺复苏 guidelines. 他们发现,旁观者心肺复苏的比率从40%上升.从2000-2005年的8%上升到68%.2011-2017年达到2%. The jump mainly was due to more bystanders performing the compressions-only technique.

"心肺复苏 in its simplest form is just chest compressions," Dr. 加布里埃尔·里瓦博士.D. student at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the study's lead author, said in a news release. "Doing only chest compressions doubles the chance of survival compared to doing nothing."

超过325人,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of hospitals each year in the United States, AHA统计数据显示. Immediate 心肺复苏 can double or triple the chances of survival, according to the AHA. Keeping the blood flow active – even partially – extends the opportunity for a successful resuscitation once trained medical staff arrive at the scene.

Researchers acknowledged that because the study was conducted in Sweden, 结果可能无法推广到其他国家. However, the results are in line with previous findings reported from the United States and Japan.

The AHA included 只用手的心肺复苏 in its 2015 guidelines to allow bystanders who don't know how to give rescue breaths – or are uncomfortable doing it – the option to provide only chest compressions until medical help arrives. For children, both chest compressions and rescue breaths are still recommended.

"Bystanders have an important role in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest," Riva said. “他们的行为可以挽救生命."

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