


People living with diabetes are twice as likely to die from cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, 心脏病发作和中风. 虽然这不是一个新的统计数据, it does resonate in Hispanic and Asian communities in the United States, 哪里五分之一的成年人患有糖尿病, 确诊与否.

Recent research gives a more detailed glimpse into how specific ethnic communities share the burden differently. 但要有适当的意识和资源, 专家表示,这种疾病是可以控制的,甚至可以完全预防.

在西班牙裔, 25%的墨西哥人患有确诊或未确诊的糖尿病, 根据2019年发表在《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》杂志上的一项研究 JAMA, followed by 22% of Puerto Ricans, 21% of Cubans and Dominicans and 19% of Central Americans. Among Asian adults, the rates were 23% for South Asians and 22% for Southeast Asians.

有几个可能的影响因素,Nadia S. Islam, a medical sociologist and associate professor in the department of population health at NYU Langone Health in New York City.

"Both Latino and certain Asian American subgroups experience high rates of limited English proficiency, which makes it challenging to access care and understand health information and counseling,伊斯兰说.

Awareness about the heart disease risk with diabetes already is an issue overall. A recent 在线调查 conducted by The Harris Poll determined that of people age 45 and older with Type 2 diabetes, 大约一半的人意识到自己患心脏病和中风的风险.


"Diabetes education needs to be tailored to the community the patient comes from," said Dr. Sylvia E. Rosas, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard University Medical School and director of the Latino Kidney Clinic at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston. "With regards to advice on diet, one example is, limit pasta and potatoes. But our communities usually eat more rice and root vegetables — cassava, yuca, yautia."

But too much of one starchy carb can be just as harmful as another for people with diabetes, so suggestions for lifestyle changes should be in tune with a person's culture.

新移民的饮食习惯经常发生巨大的变化, 伊斯兰和罗萨斯都说, 他们的新美国摄入量突然增加了脂肪, 哪些会导致体重增加.


"Research has demonstrated that Asians have a unique risk factor related to diabetes whereby they develop diabetes at lower levels of body mass index, or BMI, 与其他少数民族相比,伊斯兰说.

And that might mean many Asian adults with diabetes aren't being diagnosed.

A 2018 study looked at federal recommendations used to guide doctors on screening for prediabetes and diabetes. It calls for evaluations when patients are between 40 and 70 years old and overweight. 这项分析发表在《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》杂志上 普通内科杂志, showed following those recommendations would mean 70% of Asians with prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes would be undiagnosed until their next screening test, 几年后会发生什么.

拉美裔也经常在40岁以下患上2型糖尿病, and the study showed 56% of them could be undiagnosed using the narrower federal recommendation.

The key for these two groups is to be aware they are at risk, Rosas said.

"One of the most important issues is the detection of the disease,她说. “许多人不知道他们有这种病. 一旦你知道你有糖尿病, 最重要的问题是通过饮食控制疾病, 必要时进行锻炼和药物治疗."

Islam said the responsibility for action falls not only on health care providers but on trusted community leaders, 谁能提供饮食方面的教育和指导, 体育活动和社会支持.

"There needs to be more advocacy for resources and programs to support these communities in diabetes prevention and management efforts,她说.

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