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正如冠状病毒大流行给各州和全国带来的压力一样, 它还强调了社区和个人的资源.


报纸上的分析 《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》 在全国最贫穷的社区中, 家庭收入中位数低于35美元的地方,000, COVID-19感染的发生率是美国最富裕地区的两倍, 收入超过75美元,000. Infection rates were five times higher in ZIP codes with mostly nonwhite residents than in ZIP codes with a nonwhite population of less than 10%.

一个分析 from Yale School of Medicine and the University of Pittsburgh also captures the dire COVID-19 picture among historically disadvantaged communities. 非裔美国人超过3.5倍的可能性, 拉丁裔的可能性几乎是其两倍, 死于病毒, 与白人相比.

黑人占美国总人口的13%.S. population but nearly a quarter of COVID-19 deaths where patients' race was reported, according to COVID跟踪项目这是一项追踪美国冠状病毒病例和死亡人数的志愿者工作.S.

COVID-19's disproportionate impact on Black and Hispanic people and people from lower-income neighborhoods may trace in part to higher rates of underlying conditions such as diabetes and uncontrolled high blood pressure, 专家说, 哪些因素会增加冠状病毒感染的风险.

当COVID-19袭来时, 它不仅攻击肺部,也攻击心脏, 肾脏和大脑, 博士说. Ivor Benjamin, director of the Cardiovascular Center at Medical College of Wisconsin. 对于一个已经被潜在疾病负担过重的人来说, 身体试图控制所有的疾病,但却很挣扎.

本杰明说:“一个已经压力很大的系统几乎没有储备。. “如果身体存在健康问题, 身体已经最大限度地发挥了应对现有压力的能力."

然而, 关于2019冠状病毒病结果不平等背后的原因的故事更加深刻, 本杰明说, 前美国心脏协会主席. While underlying conditions can be influenced by both genetics and environmental factors such as diet, 另一层影响, 被称为健康的社会决定因素, 是至关重要的.

Social determinants of health are the economic and social conditions into which people are born and live. 其中包括住房和食品安全, 公共安全, 获得负担得起的医疗保健和交通. Social determinants impact the health of individuals and groups and are shaped by the distribution of money, 权力及其他资源.

"COVID-19 is not a great equalizer but really brings to the forefront some of the many issues in health inequities that have plagued our country for decades,”医生说。. Garima沙玛, assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Baltimore.

一个啊 声明 last month prompted by recent killings of African Americans notes that pre-existing social conditions, 包括缺乏获得高质量保健的机会, 工作, 教育和住房, have laid the groundwork for the heavier toll COVID-19 has taken among disadvantaged communities.

"The barriers to care in our nation perpetuate the health inequities this pandemic is highlighting,声明说.

尽管COVID-19结果不公平, 所有人都容易受到新型冠状病毒的影响, 本杰明说. 没有治疗和疫苗, 社会的主要防御措施是公共卫生措施, 包括良好的卫生, 物理距离, 戴口罩并进行检测,这样人们就可以被隔离, 隔离并追踪接触者,看看还有谁可能接触过.

不过,他说,居家订单更具挑战性. It "works very well for certain types of 工作 and the affluent due to living conditions." But front-line workers may have fewer options, resulting in higher exposure, he said.

Sharma said adequate levels of testing as well as funding and research for new treatments are key to helping address COVID-19 inequities now.


She also urges approval of federal legislation to gather data about COVID-19 in hard-hit communities and to study the role of social determinants of health.

A 角度块 published in May in the AHA's journal Circulation on behalf of the Association of Black Cardiologists recommends more detailed COVID-19 patient data, 随时可用的测试和勤奋的接触者追踪. 作者还敦促:扩大隔离住房, and suspension of evictions and foreclosures; free or discounted food delivery in low-income neighborhoods and for the elderly; aid for widespread computer and internet access to support telemedicine and distance learning; and paid sick and quarantine leave to help stem the virus's spread.

前进, Benjamin calls for greater health education and science literacy efforts encouraging healthy lifestyles and prevention of chronic disease. Because COVID-19 poses an additional health stress for those whose bodies already are taxed by age or pre-existing conditions, "both management and prevention of chronic disease are what should be the priorities for all Americans, 尤其是有色人种群体, 现在和将来."

编者注:由于围绕冠状病毒的线上娱乐电子游戏网站迅速演变, 本文中提供的事实和建议自出版以来可能已经发生了变化. 访问的心.Org获取最新报道, and check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health officials for the most recent guidance.

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