Be aware of how drugs can affect heart rhythms, report says

By American Heart Association News

Elena Brovko/iStock, Getty Images
(Elena Brovko/iStock, Getty Images)

许多常用的药物会导致或加重不规则的心跳,也就是心律失常, 卫生保健专业人员需要注意这些风险, according to a new report.

The American Heart Association scientific statement, published Tuesday in its journal Circulation, 研究了非处方药和处方药的影响, including some that have been studied for use against COVID-19.

“与特定药物相关的心律失常的潜在机制仍然未知, 需要进一步的研究来更好地了解风险因素和治疗方案," James E. 声明撰写委员会主席提斯代尔在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上说.

“我们希望提高认识将导致临床医生关注风险因素, and avoiding, where possible, 可能导致或加重高危患者心律失常的药物," said Tisdale, 他是普渡大学药学院的药学实践教授也是印第安纳大学医学院的兼职教授.

Arrhythmias can be caused by genetics, heart disease, high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalances or other factors. 在心律失常期间,心脏跳动可能太快、太慢或节奏不规则.

People with a history of heart attack, 心脏病或以前做过心脏手术的人在服用某些药物后更容易出现心律不齐. 药物性心律失常的其他危险因素包括年龄较大, 钾或镁缺乏和过度饮酒.

“许多常用的药物会导致心律不齐的副作用,”Tisdale说. "While the risk is relatively low, 对于医疗保健专业人员来说,重要的是要考虑到患者的心律失常可能是由药物引起或恶化的."

Drugs can cause several types of arrhythmias. 通常没有症状,但有些人会感到心跳加速或怦怦乱跳. They may become dizzy, faint or have trouble breathing.

If an arrhythmia is left untreated, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body, which can damage the heart, the brain or other organs. 有些心律失常是危及生命的,需要立即治疗.

会扰乱心律的药物包括氯喹, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, which have been used to manage COVID-19, the writing group noted. In June and July, the 美国食品和药物管理局撤销了紧急使用并发出警告 反对在临床试验或医院以外使用羟氯喹或氯喹治疗COVID-19.

Other medications proposed for managing COVID-19, such as lopinavir/ritonavir, 也有可能干扰心脏的正常节律, the report said.

Tisdale警告说,患者不应该自行改变他们的药物治疗方案. “药物对于治疗多种疾病和慢性健康状况非常重要和有益, 患者不应该在没有与他们的医疗保健专业人员交谈的情况下改变或停止服用任何药物."

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