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It turns out that many of the lifestyle behaviors that help fight off breast cancer in women also can help them avoid heart disease.

心脏病专家Dr. 安娜Barac, director of the cardio-oncology program at MedStar Heart and Vascular Institute in Washington, D.C.

这样的胜利可能会使大量女性受益. 在美国.S.,估计有9人.100万人患有冠心病, 总的来说,心脏病是女性死亡的主要原因. 到2019年,这一数字约为3.美国有800万女性.S. were living with breast cancer, with an estimated 43,250 deaths expected this year.

而一些风险因素, 比如年龄和家族史, 不能更改, 以下是女性可以做的五件事来降低患这两种疾病的风险.


预防心脏病和乳腺癌, the 美国心脏协会 and American Cancer Society offer similar guidance for an ideal diet, which includes eating a variety of 水果 and vegetables; choosing whole grains rather than refined grain products; avoiding processed meat; and limiting added sugar.

即使是已经被诊断患有乳腺癌的女性, “饮食是保持健康的重要组成部分,巴拉克说. 证据, 她说, suggests an association between a healthy diet and an improved breast cancer prognosis. 例如,a 2020年的研究 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that reducing fat intake and increasing vegetable, fruit and grain intake may reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Barac说,更明确的是心血管疾病的数据. “我们有强有力的证据表明,在心血管疾病患者中, 包括冠心病, 健康的饮食可以改善结果." A 2020年的分析 in the journal Nutrients found people with cardiovascular disease who followed a Mediterranean diet – focusing on vegetables, 水果, 豆类, 坚果, 橄榄油, 全谷物和鱼——死于任何原因的风险都较低, 包括心血管疾病.


肥胖是患心血管疾病的一个危险因素, 以及绝经后的乳腺癌, 根据2018年美国心脏协会的数据 科学声明 关于心血管疾病和乳腺癌.

身体质量指数(BMI)是一种 计算 决定一个人的体重类别的身高和体重. 肥胖的定义是BMI大于等于30.


每周至少进行150分钟中等强度的有氧运动, 比如快走, 推荐成人服用. 不幸的是,联邦调查数据显示,只有大约五分之一的美国人.S. 女性说她们符合这个要求. And research suggests getting less than the recommended amount of physical activity each week is associated with an elevated risk for both cardiovascular disease and breast cancer.


“如果你坐了很长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽, 你需要站起来走走,“即使你那天锻炼了, 博士说. Tochukwu Okwuosa, a cardiologist and associate professor at Rush Medical College in Chicago. 她说,即使每小时起床一两分钟也对身体有益.


The takeaway here is moderation for those who drink alcohol – and not starting for those who don't. Moderation means no more than one drink a day for women, the AHA and cancer society say.

奥库奥萨说:“确保你不要暴饮暴食。. 对于女性来说, binge drinking typically translates to four or more drinks in a two-hour period, 根据 国家酒精滥用和酒精中毒研究所.

过量饮酒会增加患肝病的风险, 乳腺癌和一系列心血管疾病, 包括高血压, 心脏病和中风.

Okwuosa said women also should be aware of the risks associated with postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy, which has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease.

如果一个女人有乳腺癌或任何心血管疾病的病史, 或者她有更多的危险因素, "then the chance that hormone replacement therapy could be not a good thing for you is higher,奥库萨说.

Women should talk to their health care team about the risks and benefits of options for managing menopause symptoms to find the best treatment strategy for them.


知道自己是否有高血压, high cholesterol or diabetes – and then working with a health care professional to treat it – can help prevent those conditions from causing heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions.

美国心脏协会 建议 blood pressure screening for adults at each regular health care visit or once a year if blood pressure is normal. 它还建议 胆固醇检查 每四到六年一次, 从20岁开始, 适用于心脏病和中风风险正常的成年人, 或者对那些风险较高的人来说更常见. 对于糖尿病,美国糖尿病协会 建议筛查 从35岁开始,或者对高危人群来说更早.

Although 乳房x光检查 cannot prevent breast cancer, they can help detect it early. 对于女性来说 at average risk for breast cancer, the cancer society recommends annual 乳房x光检查 45岁开始,40岁可以选择. Women 55 and older can switch to every other year or can choose to continue yearly 乳房x光检查.

Knowing your family history for breast cancer and cardiovascular problems is a big part of determining when and what type of screening you might need, Barac说.

整体, 她补充说, once health care professionals understand someone's personal and family medical history, “我们可以使用生活方式药物, 尤其是运动和饮食, 增强妇女权能,预防癌症和心脏病."

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