
美国心脏协会线上电子游戏飞禽走兽,Michael Merschel报道

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当心脏停止跳动时,几秒钟都很重要. 但是太频繁了, 当有人在医院外心脏骤停时, 有能力提供帮助的人不会.

对心肺复苏术的误解会阻碍人们采取行动. 这要付出生命的代价. 我们请专家来帮忙理清头绪.


如果你看到一个青少年或成年人突然晕倒, 拨打911,不要等待专业救援人员, 博士说. 北卡罗来纳州威克县首席医疗官何塞Cabañas说.

Each minute that 心肺复苏 is delayed decreases the odds of survival by about 10%, research has shown. But having a bystander perform 心肺复苏 doubles or triples the chances of somebody surviving, 卡瓦尼亚斯说, 他帮助撰写了美国心脏协会的 2020心肺复苏指南.



– Call 911 or, if other people are on hand, have a second bystander make the call. 911接线员可以指导救援人员进行心肺复苏术.

– Begin 心肺复苏 while a second bystander retrieves an automated external defibrillator, 或AED, 如果附近有的话. 不要停止心肺复苏术去找AED.

进行心肺复苏术时,将一只手的脚后跟放在胸部中央. 另一只手放在上面,手指交叉. 以每分钟100到120次的速度用力向下推. (这是比吉斯乐队《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》(Stayin’Alive)的节奏.你也可以让别人在谷歌上搜索“节拍器”,然后输入“110”.")


培训很重要,进修课程也很重要. 伊丽莎白·亨特, a professor of pediatric critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. 但是你“绝对”不需要有卡片来做心肺复苏术.

“我提倡接受培训,”亨特说 2022年美国心脏协会关于急救人员和心肺复苏的科学声明. “但这不是挽救生命所必需的."


If you see someone collapse, 亨特说, shake the patient gently and ask, "Are you OK?"

如果他们没有呼吸或者呼吸有“痛苦的呼吸”,“当呼吸不正常或看起来像是在喘气时, 开始心肺复苏术.

过去人们被告知要检查脉搏. 亨特说:“但是外行的医生不需要这样做。. 找到胸部中间的那个点——”本质上, 在乳头之间”——然后开始用力而快速地按压.


大约35万美元.S. adults experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest annually in the United States, according to 啊哈统计. But bystanders, or lay rescuers, administer 心肺复苏 in only about 40% of cases. Research shows people in low-income and predominantly Black neighborhoods are less likely to receive bystander 心肺复苏 than those in predominantly white neighborhoods with higher income, 女性接受心肺复苏术的可能性低于男性.

Chest compressions might require opening or cutting away someone's bulky clothing or removing a bra to reach the middle of their chest or apply AED pads. "It is important that people also have an image of how they would do that,亨特说, 因为尽管这可能有点不舒服, 它们可以拯救一条生命.


Cabañas说,如果你害怕向陌生人呼吸,那就不要这样做. 这些天, 训练强调在最初几分钟只用手进行心肺复苏术, which has been shown to be as effective as conventional 心肺复苏 with rescue breaths in the first few minutes after cardiac arrest in adults and teens.

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation – two rescue breaths after every 30 compressions – is important, 然而, for infants and children and if someone's heart stopped because of choking or drowning, 亨特说. "But if you don't know how to do it, compressions-only is still great," she said.


关于心肺复苏术最大的误解之一, 卡瓦尼亚斯说, 你能伤害心脏骤停的人吗.

“最大的风险是什么都不做,”他说. 无论是对合法性的担忧, 礼仪还是骨折, "I would emphasize that there is actually more potential harm by not doing or participating in providing bystander 心肺复苏 when somebody collapses in front of you." Good Samaritan laws protect people who step in to provide lifesaving care.

Hunt puts it this way: If someone's heart has stopped, "they're already dead.“因此,心肺复苏术引起的任何问题都不如不做心肺复苏术那么糟糕.


如果有人摔倒在一个扭曲的位置, 你可能得把他们弄直,让他们趴起来, 亨特说. 如果他们在床上或沙发上, it is best to lower them to the ground so that 心肺复苏 can be performed on a firm surface.


有些人认为他们永远不需要使用心肺复苏术,Cabañas说. 他们会说, “我的家人都很健康,或者他们认为自己不太可能遇到需要帮助的人. 事实并非如此."

Research shows more than 70% of cardiac arrests happen in a home or private residence. 因此,学习心肺复苏术应该是任何家庭安全计划的一部分,Cabañas说.



“现在学习心肺复苏术有多种方法,”他说. 你可以从a那里学到基本知识 免费AHA视频 通过社区中心或消防部门进行实践培训. (一些机场和医疗中心只有手动操作 培训系统.)


AEDs can shock a heart back into rhythm but, as with 心肺复苏, need to be used quickly. 你应该在你经常去的地方找一个.

If a place you visit lacks one, Cabañas recommended talking with the manager. 如果你为自己的设施买一个, register it with the local EMS system so that 911调度员 know where to direct people.

一些除颤器可能会说它们只供训练有素的人员使用. 忽略这些,亨特说. With voice and visual prompts "they were designed to be used by someone who's never seen them before,“从六年级学生到老年人.


Saving people from sudden cardiac arrest takes a community effort, 卡瓦尼亚斯说. "When we see jurisdictions and cities and countries that have a higher survival rate, it's because the community engages and the community is participating in those efforts."

他说,这也意味着你不会独自面对紧急情况. 其他外行人, 911调度员, 急救人员和医务人员都是链条的一部分.

“你并不孤单,”他说. "There's going to be other people that will be around to support you in that mission of trying to save somebody's life."

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