


吸食大麻——无论是通过吸食, eating or vaping it – may raise the risk for 心脏病发作和中风, 新的研究表明.

调查对象说他们使用大麻, 或大麻, had a higher risk for cardiovascular problems regardless of whether they used tobacco products or had other underlying cardiovascular risk factors, 研究发现. 研究 was published Wednesday in the Journal of the 美国心脏协会.

"尽管常用, 人们对使用大麻的风险知之甚少, 特别是, 心血管疾病的风险,该研究的主要作者. 阿布拉·杰弗斯说 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上. 杰弗斯是波士顿马萨诸塞州总医院的一名数据分析师. "The perceptions of the harmfulness of smoking cannabis are decreasing, 人们并不认为使用大麻对健康有害."

除了, she said, "smoking cannabis – the predominant method of use – may pose additional risks because particulate matter is inhaled."

The number of people using marijuana has increased significantly in recent decades in the U.S., where its recreational use has been legalized in 24 states and the District of Columbia. 2019年, 联邦调查 showed more than 48 million people ages 12 and older reported using marijuana at least once ­– nearly double the number in 2002. 在联邦层面,大麻的使用仍然是非法的.

Prior research on the link between marijuana use and heart attacks or strokes has been limited for several reasons. The number of people who smoke marijuana frequently is relatively low, most studies have been done in younger populations that are at low risk for cardiovascular disease, 许多吸食大麻的人也吸食烟草制品, making it difficult to look at the effects of marijuana independently.

在新的研究中, researchers analyzed survey data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 434,104 U.S. 成年人从2016年到2020年. They investigated whether the number of days of cannabis use in the past 30 days was associated with self-reported cardiovascular outcomes, 包括冠心病, 心脏病发作和中风, among the general adult population and people who had never smoked tobacco or used e-cigarettes. Researchers also investigated these associations among men under 55 and women under 65 who were at risk for heart disease.

Any marijuana use was linked to a higher risk for 心脏病发作和中风, 但使用频率最高的人患病几率最高. Adults who used marijuana daily had 25% higher odds of having a heart attack and 42% higher odds of stroke than people who didn't use it at all. Smoking was the most common method of cannabis use, followed by eating or vaping it.

55岁以下的男性和65岁以下的女性, using marijuana resulted in a 36% higher combined odds for coronary heart disease, 心脏病发作或中风, 不管他们是否也使用烟草制品. The odds were higher even when researchers looked only at those who had never used tobacco products or e-cigarettes.

“大麻烟雾与烟草烟雾并没有太大的不同, 除了精神药物:四氢大麻酚和尼古丁,杰弗斯说. "Our study shows that smoking cannabis has significant cardiovascular risks, 就像吸烟一样. 这一点尤其重要,因为大麻的使用正在增加, 传统烟草的使用正在减少."

Dr. Robert L. Page II, who chaired the writing group for a 2020 美国心脏协会 科学声明 on 大麻的影响 关于心血管健康, said in the release that the new findings should be a "call to action for all practitioners" about "a potentially hazardous combination.佩奇是临床药学教授, medicine and physical medicine at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora. 他没有参与这项新研究.

"As cannabis use continues to grow in legality and access across the U.S., practitioners and clinicians need to remember to assess cannabis use at each patient encounter in order to have a nonjudgmental, shared decision conversation about potential cardiovascular risks and ways to reduce those risks,佩奇说.


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