

It’s important to identify people who may be at high risk for cardiomyopathy. After all, some people with cardiomyopathy never have signs or symptoms. Others don’t have signs or symptoms in the early stages of the disease.

If people without symptoms recognize their heightened risk for cardiomyopathy, 早期诊断的机会更大, 什么时候治疗可能最有效.


  • Shortness of breath or trouble brea薄g, especially with physical exertion
  • 乏力
  • Swelling in the ankles, 脚, 腿, abdomen and veins in the neck
  • 头晕
  • 头晕
  • 体力活动时晕厥
  • 心律失常 (心跳异常)
  • 胸部疼痛尤其是在体力消耗或饱餐一顿之后
  • 心脏杂音 (与心跳有关的不寻常声音)

Signs and symptoms of 心脏衰竭 usually occur in the later stages of cardiomyopathy, 当心脏衰弱时.


Your health care professional will diagnose cardiomyopathy based on your medical history, 家族病史, 体检和诊断测试结果.

A cardiologist or pediatric cardiologist usually diagnose and treat cardiomyopathy. 这些医生专门研究心脏病.


Your health care professional will want to learn about your medical history as well as any signs and symptoms you may have. Your physician will also want to know whether anyone in your family has been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, 心脏衰竭 or 心脏骤停.


使用听诊器, your health care professional will listen to your heart and lungs for sounds that may suggest cardiomyopathy. Particular sounds may even suggest a certain type of the disease.

For example, the loudness, timing and location of a heart murmur may suggest 梗阻性肥厚性心肌病. 肺部的“噼里啪啦”声可能是一种 心脏衰竭的征兆.

Certain physical signs also help your doctor diagnose cardiomyopathy. 脚踝肿胀, 脚, 腿, 腹部或颈部静脉表明有积液, 这是心脏衰竭的征兆.


One or more of the following tests may be recommended to diagnose cardiomyopathy:

  • 血液测试: A small amount of blood is usually drawn from a vein in your arm using a needle.
  • 胸部x光片: A chest X-ray takes pictures of the organs and structures inside your chest, 并能显示你的心脏是否肿大. It can also reveal whether fluid is building up in your lungs.
  • 心电图 (EKG或ECG)心电图记录心脏的电活动, showing how fast the heart is beating and whether its rhythm is steady or irregular. An EKG can detect cardiomyopathy as well as other problems, including 心脏病发作, 心律失常 (心跳异常)和 心脏衰竭. To diagnose heart problems that come and go, you may have to wear a portable EKG monitor.
  • 霍尔特和线上娱乐电子游戏网站监视器: Both are portable devices that record your heart’s electrical activity during your normal daily activities. A 动态心电监测 records the heart’s electrical activity for a 24- or 48-hour period. An 线上娱乐电子游戏网站监视器 records your heart’s electrical activity only at certain times.
  • 超声心动图 (回声): An 回声cardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to create a moving picture of your heart. It shows how well your heart is working as well as its size and shape. The types of 回声cardiography include “stress 回声,” which is administered as part of a stress test. 另一种类型, 技术回声 (TEE),提供了心脏后部的视图.
  • 压力测试在压力测试中, the aim is to make your heart work hard (and beat fast) while tests are performed. 这些检查可能包括心脏核扫描 回声, 正电子发射断层扫描 (PET)扫描. You’ll be asked to walk in place on an inclined treadmill. If you're unable to exercise, you may be given medicine to simulate the effects of exertion.


Confirming a diagnosis may involve one or more medical procedures. If surgery is planned, a diagnostic procedure may be performed in preparation for surgery. 这种诊断程序可能包括:

  • 心导管检查: 心导管检查 checks the pressure and blood flow in your heart’s chambers. 很长一段, 薄, flexible tube called a catheter is inserted through a blood vessel and threaded to the heart. This allows your health care professional to collect blood samples and check your heart’s arteries for blockages using X-ray imaging.
  • 冠状动脉造影(PDF): This procedure often is done during cardiac catheterization. Dye that can be seen on an X-ray is injected into your coronary arteries. The dye allows your health care professional to study blood flow wi薄 your heart and blood vessels.
  • 心肌活检:在这个过程中, 你的一块心肌被切除了, 在心导管插入术中可以做什么. The muscle is studied under a microscope to see whether cell changes have occurred, 这可能意味着心肌病.
  • 基因检测: Your health care professional may suggest genetic testing to look for signs of cardiomyopathy in your parents, 兄弟姐妹或其他家庭成员. 基因检测 can show how the disease runs in families and can reveal the chances of parents passing the genes for the disease on to their children. 基因检测 may also be useful if is suspected that you may have cardiomyopathy, 但你还没有表现出任何症状.