
One of the common long-term complications of diabetes is kidney damage, 也被称为糖尿病肾病. This condition is a result of vascular abnormalities that accompany diabetes and increases risk of death. The damage caused to the kidneys by Type 2 diabetes could lead to end-stage renal disease, the most advanced stage of kidney disease.


Kidney disease means the kidneys can’t filter waste products out of blood and make urine as they should. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) occurs slowly over many years and usually can’t be reversed.

  • Early kidney disease, sometimes called renal insufficiency
    You may have no signs or symptoms until the disease is advanced, but the damage is still being done. Blood tests to check kidney filtration rate and urine tests to check for protein in your urine are the only ways to find out if you have kidney disease at this stage. It’s important to be tested for kidney disease if you have diabetes so it can be detected and treated early to slow progression of the damage. Keeping your blood sugar and blood pressure under control are very important to slow the progression of kidney disease. 减肥, getting regular exercise and not smoking are ways to help control blood sugar and blood pressure.

  • Kidney failure, or end-stage renal disease
    Kidney failure means damage to the kidneys has progressed to the point that they are not doing a good job of filtering wastes, 比如尿素和肌酐, from the blood so they can be excreted in the urine. 废物堆积会让你生病. You may have symptoms such as swelling of the ankles or face, 呕吐, 食欲不振, 乏力, 困惑和头痛. There also will be changes to urine and changes to urination frequency. Treatments for kidney failure may include hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or a kidney transplant. It’s important to work with your health care team to decide which treatment is best for you.

How does diabetes increase the risk for kidney disease?

高 levels of blood sugar make the kidneys work harder to do their filtering job. 随着线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的推移, this can damage your kidneys so they start to leak small amounts of protein (albumin) into the urine. The American 糖尿病 Association suggests that people with Type 2 diabetes have an albumin-to-creatinine ratio test at the time of diagnosis and once a year after that. Detecting albumin in a urine test indicates kidney damage.


什么是uACR测试? (PDF)

An estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) test is a way to check your kidney health. An eGFR test is done through a simple blood test. 这个测试检查你的肌酐水平. 了解更多有关 eGFR测试(PDF)

Not everyone with diabetes develops kidney disease. The better you keep your diabetes and blood pressure under control, the lower your chance of getting kidney disease. Learn more about managing risks with an 年度肾脏筛查.

How are 心血管病 and chronic kidney disease related?

People with CKD have an increased risk for 心血管病 mostly due to problems with the blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death for people with CKD.

These risk factors often linked with kidney disease are also associated with 动脉粥样硬化 and contribute to the risk of developing CVD and stroke:


Many of the risk factors for kidney disease and CVD are treatable. If you have diabetes, take these steps:

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