Tilt-Table Test

What is a tilt-table test?

If you often feel faint or lightheaded, 你的医疗团队可能会使用倾斜试验来找出原因. 在测试过程中,你躺在一张慢慢向上倾斜的桌子上. 这项测试测量你的血压和心率对重力的反应. 护士或技术人员会记录你的血压和血压 heart rate (pulse) to see how they change during the test.

Why do people have tilt-table tests?

这个测试是用来触发你的症状,而你的医疗团队正在看着你. 他们在测试过程中测量你的血压和心率,以找出导致你症状的原因. 如果你的平均血压在桌子向上倾斜时保持稳定,心率以正常的速度增加,那么测试是正常的.

如果你的血压在测试过程中下降并保持在低位,你可能会晕倒或感到头晕. 这可能发生在心率异常慢或心率过快的情况下. 那是因为你的大脑目前没有得到足够的血液. (这是纠正一旦你倾斜回平的位置.)当桌子向上倾斜时,你的心率可能无法适应, 或者你的血管没有足够的挤压力来维持你的血压.

Feeling lightheaded or fainting (syncope)可能是由服用某些药物、严重脱水、心律失常(arrhythmias), low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), 长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽卧床休息和某些神经系统紊乱引起的 low blood pressure.

Are there risks with tilt-table tests?

The tilt-table test is generally a safe procedure. People rarely faint during the test. And, even if they do, 医务人员会在场,这比在不受控制的情况下一个人晕倒要安全得多. If a person does faint, 通常他们会在桌子放平后的短线上电子游戏飞禽走兽内感觉良好.

How do I prepare for a tilt-table test?

  • Don’t eat or drink for at least two hours before the test.
  • If you are having a morning test, 你可能会被告知在前一天午夜之后不要吃东西或喝水.
  • If you take medicine, 在测试前询问你的医疗保健专业人员你是否应该继续按常规服用.

What happens during a tilt-table test?

在医院或诊所的电生理实验室中,由受过专门训练的护士或技术人员进行倾斜试验. The test has two parts.

Part One


  • You lie on your back on a table. Straps at your waist and knees help you stay in position. An IV (intravenous line) is put in your arm.  带电线的小垫子附着在你的胸部,并连接到心电图机(ECG或EKG)来跟踪你的心跳. A cuff on your arm measures your blood pressure.
  • 桌子倾斜,这样你的头就会比身体的其他部位略高(30度),同时检查你的血压和心率.
  • 大约五分钟后,桌子会进一步倾斜,达到60度或更高的角度. 你将保持这个姿势45分钟,同时检查你的血压和心率. 在此期间,你将被要求保持安静, but you should tell someone if you feel uncomfortable.
  • 如果你的血压在这段线上电子游戏飞禽走兽内下降,测试表就会降低,测试就会停止. You won’t need to take the second part of the test. 如果你的血压在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽结束后没有下降, 桌子再次放下,第二部分测试开始.

Part Two

测试的第二部分显示了你的身体对一种药物(异丙肾上腺素)的反应,这种药物可以使你的心跳更快、更强. 这种药就像你的身体在压力下释放的荷尔蒙肾上腺素. This medicine may make you feel like you are exercising. 如果你的血压在测试的第一部分没有变化,你可能会对倾斜测试更敏感. For this part of the test:

  • You will be given medicine through your IV tube.
  • Next, the table is tilted upwards to a 60-degree angle.
  • 你可能会因为吃药而感到心跳加快.
  • If your blood pressure drops, the table will be lowered to the flat position, the medicine will be stopped, and the test will end.
  • 如果你的血压在15分钟后没有下降, the table will be lowered and the test will be over.

如果两部分都做的话,倾斜台测试持续大约一个小时. 如果你只做第一部分,你可能会在20到45分钟内完成.

What happens after a tilt-table test?

考试结束后,你可能会觉得很累,胃部有点不舒服. 康复后,大多数人可以开车回家,恢复正常活动. However, if you lose consciousness during the test, you may need to have more observation and testing. Don’t drive yourself home if you fainted.

How do I learn about my results?

You may get your results as soon as the test is over. 有时你的医疗保健专业人员会在几天后给你结果. The results are either “negative” or “positive.”

  • If your blood pressure does not fall during the test, and you have no other symptoms, the test results are negative (normal).
  • 如果你的血压在测试过程中下降,你感到头晕或头晕,测试是阳性的. 你的健康护理专家可能会建议你更换药物或做更多的检查. If your fainting is due to a slow heart rate (bradycardia), a pacemaker may be recommended.

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