

阿尔瓦雷斯/E+ via Getty Images
(阿尔瓦雷斯/E+ via Getty Images)

It's standard practice to monitor a woman's blood pressure during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. But new research at one medical center suggests the condition could be missed in some new mothers with no history of high blood pressure if the practice ends after six weeks.

The study, published Tuesday in the 美国心脏协会 journal 高血压, 大约五分之一的女性患上了高血压, 也叫高血压, for the first time following childbirth were diagnosed after postpartum follow-up care had ended. The risk was particularly high for Black women and for those who were 35 or older, 经剖宫产分娩或目前或曾经吸烟.

"We were surprised at the number of cases captured more than six weeks after delivery,该研究的主要作者萨曼莎·帕克在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上说. Parker is an assistant professor of epidemiology at Boston University School of Public Health. "Monitoring during this period could mitigate severe postpartum and long-term cardiovascular complications."

Postpartum hypertension is usually discovered immediately after childbirth or during a woman's last postpartum checkup, 通常是在婴儿出生后的四到六周. There is little data about hypertension diagnosed following that visit, since most studies use blood pressure measurements taken during delivery or while the mother is still in the hospital. 但这样做只捕获了最严重的病例, which are associated with life-threatening complications such as strokes, 心脏病发作和肾衰竭.

It has been well established that women who develop high blood pressure before or during pregnancy are at greater risk for heart disease later in life. But little is known about heart disease risks for women who develop hypertension for the first time after giving birth.

Previous studies also have shown that the development of high blood pressure for the first time after childbirth may be up to 2.黑人女性的发病率是白人女性的5倍. The new study looked at hypertension risk during the year following delivery among a group of racially diverse women who received prenatal care and delivered their babies at Boston Medical Center.

研究人员分析了,465 medical records for deliveries from 2016 to 2018 among women with no history of chronic hypertension. High blood pressure was defined in the study as having a systolic (the "top" number) reading of 140 mmHg or higher and/or a diastolic number (the "bottom" number) of 90 mmHg or higher.

在分娩后至少48小时测量血压. Additional measurements were taken from medical records through the first year following delivery.

整体, 12% of women in the study with no history of high blood pressure had the condition within a year of childbirth. 而大多数病例是在分娩后不久诊断出来的, 22% were not diagnosed until more than six weeks after the baby was born.

新发高血压的危险因素包括35岁及以上, 做过剖腹产,或者现在或以前吸烟. 黑人女性的风险也更高.

"Understanding more about high blood pressure beyond six weeks after delivery may provide insight into the alarming 产妇保健方面的种族差异帕克说。.

未来的研究, 她说, should look at additional poor outcomes associated with postpartum hypertension, 比如再入院, 妊娠并发症和心血管疾病.

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