Caregivers: Be Realistic, Think Positive

Older woman writing in journal

As a caregiver, you have to be realistic about what can and can’t be controlled. You can’t control that your loved one has a chronic or progressive disease — nor can you control the impact of that disease.

But you can control how you respond to the situation by taking ownership of your caregiver role and recognizing that it might be a long-term job. This acknowledgement will allow you to plan and seek help.

The next step is to understand the scope of long-term caregiving. Think of it as a marathon, not a sprint. Runners get through a race by pacing themselves and getting sustenance and water along the way. A lot of people throw themselves into a “caregiving frenzy” that quickly leads to emotional and physical burnout. 你能尽力避免这种情况吗.

是现实的. 积极思考.

Your attitude can be the biggest barrier to taking care of yourself and doing the best job for your loved one. Tell yourself that you need to stay healthy and that you have rights and needs too. It’s worth reminding yourself: You’ll do the best you can, but you’ll need help along the way.

Being realistic and positive thinking are easier if you:

  • Have confidence in your role as a caregiver. Assure yourself: “It’s a tough job, but I can do it.“用积极的方式思考.
  • 承认你的感受. You might feel sorrow, anger, resentment or fear as a caregiver. 所有这些感觉都是合理的. Seek help if you feel like those feelings are constantly getting the better of you.
  • 承认你的局限性. Admit that you can’t control the impact of the disease on your loved one. Recognize that you’ll need help sometimes, and don’t be afraid to ask.
  • 倾听你的身体. Your body will let you know when you need food, exercise, rest or medical attention. 给你的身体它所需要的. It’s important to recharge your batteries.
  • Learn the signs of chronic depression. Watch out for symptoms of depression. Reach out for help if you experience depression, which can often be managed with talk therapy, medication or a combination of both. A weekly visit to a counselor can be a great help.
  • Maintain a sense of self outside of caregiving. 继续活着. Allow yourself time for a personal life.
  • Communicate with other caregivers. Other caregivers will understand what you’re going through. They can offer comfort and help.
  • Stay connected with the outside world. 不要被孤立. Stay in touch with friends, even if it is online.
  • Insist on getting respite care. 暂息护理的, or outside help to care for your loved one for periods of time, 能让你受益匪浅. Consider it, even if you have to explain to your loved one why you need the break.
  • 坚持现在. 做你今天该做的事. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. You can plan ahead, but don’t let worrying about the future rule your life.