
As a caregiver, you need to communicate with many people. 你需要和家人联系, friends, 同事, employers, 卫生保健专业人员, insurance companies — and a loved one who may not be the same person they used to be.

Constructive and effective communication is key to your success. 当你的沟通是清晰的, 自信和建设性, you’re more likely to be heard and get the responses you want.

To accomplish that, you’ll need to stay organized, have patience and control conflicting emotions. Your stress level and added responsibilities are going to make it harder to stay focused.



  • 要自信、诚实、有耐心. 你还有很长的路要走. You’ll need support from your loved one and from family and friends. 不要害怕分享你的感受. 不要犹豫,去找我们的 支持网络.
  • 使用“我”的信息而不是“你”的信息. By saying “I feel angry” rather than “You made me angry,你可以表达你的感受而不指责别人, 或者让他们变得防御.
  • 尊重他人的感受和权利. Don’t say something that will intentionally hurt another person’s feelings. Recognize that the other person has the right to express their feelings as well.
  • 要清晰具体. 清楚地表达你的需要或感受. When both parties are straightforward, the chances of reaching mutual understanding are greater.
  • 如果一开始你没有成功,那就努力再努力. If you’re not getting your point across, or you’re getting no response, try again later. 有时候,只是时机不对.



  • 做一个好的倾听者. Remember, listening is the most important aspect of communication.
  • 开诚布公地谈论你的恐惧、担忧和需求. 这将促成坦率和有意义的对话. Other family members may feel comfortable sharing as a result.
  • 提出棘手的问题. 讨论财务、保险、遗嘱等话题 预先指令. (Advance directives clarify what the loved one wants done in case of a medical emergency.) These can be difficult and delicate subjects, but preparing for the future can help relieve stress. Chances are, your loved one is also concerned about these issues.
  • 认识到每个人的感受. Caregiving often arises after a medical crisis, particularly with heart disease and stroke. 整个家庭可能会感到震惊. 试着耐心点. A family member who has never adapted well to a crisis likely won’t be very good at dealing with this either. 给每个人线上电子游戏飞禽走兽以他们自己的方式调整.


Communicating with doctors and nurses may be new for you. 以下是一些建议:

  • 确保医生理解你的角色. If your loved one is not able (or willing) to take instruction, make sure that the doctor tells you all the vital information.
  • 解释你实际情况的一面. This can help the professionals adjust and make practical suggestions in return. 例如, 你可能会对医生说, “It’s better for my job if we can meet early in the morning.医生可能会回答:“没问题。. I’ll let my assistant know to schedule us for the first available appointment each time we meet.”
  • 让自己了解你所爱的人的情况. 使用互联网作为一个工具,但要坚持 可靠的信息来源. Pose specific questions to your health care professional if you don’t understand something about your loved one’s condition. It’s especially important to know what would represent an emergency situation for your loved one.
  • 把你所爱的人的习惯记录下来. 注意你所爱的人的睡眠, 饮食和用药习惯, 以及任何情绪发作. The more detailed information you can offer about symptoms and habits, the easier it will be for the doctor to offer your loved one the best treatment.
  • 花点线上电子游戏飞禽走兽做关于护理的决定. If a situation isn’t life-threatening, take the time you need to make a decision. Your loved one's health care professional will understand if you request time to discuss the matter with your loved one and other family members.
  • 指定一名家庭成员作为主要联系人. It will help everyone involved if your family specifies a primary point of contact for the health care team. This will avoid confusion and save time for the doctors and nurses. The appointed person can communicate all information and necessary decisions to be made with the rest of the family.
  • 在适当的地方进行谈话. 你应该得到医生的全力照顾. 对于重要的对话, 找一间私人会议室或办公室, 不是在候诊室或走廊.
  • 询问其他资源. 医护人员是无价的. They can point you toward support groups and even suggest resources that can aid in paying for medications. 他们也可以和你分享家庭护理的选择.
  • 把它写下来. Have everything that’s on your mind written down before you speak with the health care team. This can help you guard against forgetting something important.
  • 请随意改变. Sometimes, a health care professional turns out to be a less than perfect fit — either professionally or emotionally. If that’s the case, ask to see someone else in the practice or seek out another place of care.
  • 要懂得珍惜. Don’t forget to thank the health care team for all that they do. 一点善意和认可会大有帮助.


我们的在线患者社区, survivors and caregivers is here to keep you going no matter the obstacles. 我们也经历过,我们不会让你一个人去做.