3 ways to eat healthy at the office

By American Heart Association News

Woman eating salad at the office.
(gpointstudio, Getty Images)

When hunger strikes at the office, 准备好保持你的营养目标在正确的道路上是有帮助的.

Eating lunch – or dinner, 根据你的日程安排——在工作日对大多数人来说是既定的. Snacking is probably also part of the office routine.

To make healthy food choices, 制定一天或一周的正餐和零食计划是个好主意.

“我通常建议在睡觉前为第二天制定一个计划. 想想你接下来一天的日程安排,并相应地安排好你的正餐和零食," said Kristen Smith, 她是营养与饮食学会的营养师和发言人.

A day of nutritious eating can begin before arriving at the office. 在起床后的一两个小时内吃早餐有助于促进新陈代谢,控制一天中晚些时候的饥饿感, Smith said.

Healthy eating can yield benefits in the long run. 研究表明,不良的饮食习惯与心脏病、中风和2型糖尿病的死亡有关. Here are three steps to eat healthy at work.

Healthy breaks

When it's time for a coffee break, keep it simple without adding too many extra ingredients, and empty calories, to your cup of joe. Try to limit added sugar to 1 teaspoon per cup, Smith said.

Added sugars 导致额外的卡路里,从而导致体重增加,甚至可能导致肥胖, which can impact heart health.

美国心脏协会建议女性每天摄入的添加糖总量限制在6茶匙(25克)以内,9茶匙(37克)以内.5 grams) for men.

Remember creamers or syrups may add sugar, as well. 史密斯说,考虑不加奶精,而是加你最喜欢的牛奶或坚果牛奶.

"For added flavor without all the calories, sprinkle some cinnamon or a dash of vanilla extract in your coffee," she said.

And rather than heading to a nearby coffee shop, 选择在工作的休息室里煮一杯,或者喝点从家里带来的苏打水. It will help you avoid unwanted calories of fancy coffee drinks.

Pack a lunch


考虑至少花15到20分钟的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽离开办公桌吃午饭,这样你就不会在工作时养成“盲目进食”的习惯, which can reduce satisfaction and lead to overeating, Smith said.

均衡的午餐包括瘦肉蛋白,水果或蔬菜和全谷物食品. It will help you reach daily nutrition goals and keep you feeling full.

If a salad is your favorite healthy lunch food, 选择深绿色的叶子,上面放上其他蔬菜和瘦肉蛋白,比如鸡肉或鱼肉. For vegetarians, beans, quinoa or tofu can serve as a lunch protein. Remember, dressings and other additions can add fat and calories.

Aim for half of your plate to be vegetables, whether a dark green salad, raw vegetables or steamed vegetables.

Healthy cooking at home for dinner can provide leftovers for easy, budget-friendly lunches at the office the next day, reducing the need to eat out. 在餐馆吃饭会导致饮食中钠含量过高,因为许多餐馆和快餐店都含有大量钠, Smith said. The AHA's recommended daily intake of sodium is no more than 2,300 milligrams, and it's best to move toward an ideal limit of 1,500 mg per day for most adults.

当你为商务会议或社交聚会在餐厅吃午餐时, 外出就餐时要记住一些健康提示:尽量避免油炸食品,选择大量的水果和蔬菜. 如果一家餐馆的分量很大,限制你吃的食物量,并要求打包带走. 或者,看看有没有提供小份量的特价午餐.

Sensible snacking

It's important to listen to your stomach for signs of hunger. 史密斯说,每三到五个小时吃一次通常有助于控制饥饿感. 对大多数人来说,这意味着饭后两到三个小时吃零食.

Does the office vending machine seem tempting at snack time? To avoid those chips and candy bars – and all the sugar, 脂肪和卡路里——从家里带出来的含有纤维和蛋白质的零食能让你长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽保持饱腹感, Smith said.

Consider bringing unsalted nuts, Greek yogurt, low-fat cheese, whole grain crackers, unbuttered popcorn, fruit or raw vegetables to the office.

在书桌抽屉里多放一些,或者放在办公室的冰箱里冷藏. 这样,当你发现自己比平时更饿的时候,有营养的食物就很方便了. 如果你今天不需要它们,营养零食明天就会在那里.

If you have questions or comments about this story, please email [email protected].

American Heart Association News Stories

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