Heart 传导障碍


Your heart rhythm is the way your heart beats. 传导是指电脉冲如何通过心脏,从而导致心脏跳动. 一些传导障碍会导致心律失常或心跳不规律.

Three common conduction disorders are:


正常情况下, 电脉冲以相同的速度沿着心室的左右束分支传递. This allows both ventricles to contract at the same time.

But when there’s a “block” in one of the branches, 电信号必须以不同的路径通过心室. 这意味着一个心室的收缩速度比另一个慢了几分之一秒, 引起心律失常.


A person with bundle branch block may experience no symptoms, especially in the absence of any other problems.

在这种情况下, 束分支块通常是由于其他原因首先通过测试确定的, such as a routine physical. An 心电图 (EKG or ECG) can detect bundle branch block.


经常, no treatment is required for bundle branch block. But there are cases where treatment may be needed.

It’s still important to have regular checkups. 你的医生会监视你的情况,以确保没有其他的变化发生.


心脏传导阻滞是指电信号从心脏上腔(心房)传递到下腔(心室)的过程中出现延迟。. 当这些信号不能正常传递时,心脏就会不规则跳动.

There are several degrees of heart block.


Watch an animation of heart block.


当电脉冲通过心脏房室结的速度比正常情况慢时,就会发生一级心脏传导阻滞. This usually results in a slower heart rate. 一级心脏传导阻滞很少引起症状,可能不需要治疗.


  • 洋地黄: This medication is commonly used to slow down the heart rate. 如果服用大剂量或长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽服用,洋地黄会导致一级心脏传导阻滞.
  • β-受体阻滞药这些药物抑制神经系统中使心脏加速的部分. 这可能有延迟心脏内电传导的副作用, which can cause first-degree heart block.
  • 钙通道阻滞剂: Among their other effects, 钙通道阻滞剂可以减缓心脏房室结内的传导, resulting in first-degree heart block.

If you have first-degree heart block, 定期与你的医疗保健专业人员检查以监测病情是很重要的. Between medical appointments, 你应该定期量脉搏,注意比正常心率慢的情况.

Second-degree heart block

当只有部分来自上心室的电信号到达下心室时,就会发生二度心脏传导阻滞. 这可能会导致心脏错过跳动,跳动缓慢而不规则.

Some symptoms of second- 和 third- degree heart block include:

  • 胸部疼痛
  • Fainting or feeling faint
  • 头晕
  • 心悸
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • Labored breathing during sleep
  • 恶心想吐
  • 乏力

Second-degree heart block can be classified in two ways:

  • 莫比兹1型: 莫比兹1型 may not cause noticeable symptoms. But it can be a forerunner for the more serious 莫比兹2型. 因此,应由您的医疗保健专业人员仔细监测Mobitz 1型. Daily pulse checks on your own may also be advised.
  • 莫比兹2型在这种类型的二度心脏传导阻滞中,心脏不能有效地跳动. 它会影响心脏将血液输送到全身的能力. 经常, 心脏起搏器是保证心脏继续有规律、有效地跳动所必需的.


在三度, 或完成, 心脏传导阻滞是指电信号不能从心脏的上腔传递到下腔. Without electrical impulses from the sinus node, the ventricles will still contract 和 pump blood, but at a slower rate than usual.

With third-degree heart block, the heart does not contract properly, 和 it can’t pump blood out to the body effectively.

三度心脏传导阻滞 may be caused by:

  • 某些药物
  • 一种损害心脏传导系统的心脏病发作
  • 心脏手术
  • Heart diseases, such as heart valve disease
  • Some infections, such as Lyme disease

三级心脏传导阻滞患者需要立即就医. 他们的不规则和不稳定的心跳增加了心脏骤停的风险.

临时或永久起搏器用于治疗三度心脏传导阻滞. 如果药物导致心脏传导阻滞,改变药物可能会解决这个问题.


长QT综合征, 也被称为LQTS, is a disorder of the heart’s electrical system, 和其他心律失常一样. LQTS会在运动或压力下引起心律异常.


这个名字来自与心脏电信号产生的波形相关的字母. 字母Q和T之间的间隔定义了心室的活动.


  • Being startled by a noise
  • Physical activity or exercise
  • Intense emotion (such as fright, anger or pain)

在这种情况下,心跳通常很快恢复正常节奏. However, medication may be helpful in controlling the condition.

Both hereditary 和 acquired

LQTS can be hereditary, appearing in otherwise healthy people. (Although this happens infrequently.) When this occurs, it usually affects children or young adults.

其他人也会患上LQTS,有时是药物的副作用. 也有可能有人同时患有遗传性和获得性LQTS.

Medications that can cause LQTS

Several types of medications can cause LQTS, including:

  • Antihistamines 和 decongestants
  • Diuretics (such as potassium or sodium)
  • 某些抗生素
  • Antiarrhythmic medicines (meds that regulate heartbeat)
  • Antidepressant 和 antipsychotic medicines
  • Cholesterol-lowering medicines


People with LQTS may not have any symptoms. Those who do may experience:

  • 晕倒(晕厥)
  • 在胸中飘动
  • Abnormal heart rate or rhythm


如果怀疑LQTS, 你的医生会询问你的病史, 还有你的家人.

原因不明的晕厥发作或心脏相关死亡的家族史可能是理由 心电图 (ECG) testing for you 和 your closest relatives. Your health care professional may also recommend an 运动压力测试.


一些与LQTS相关的心律失常可能是致命的,并可能导致心脏骤停. Deafness also may occur with one type of inherited LQTS.

If you have been diagnosed with LQTS, 和你的医疗保健专业人员谈谈什么类型和数量的体育活动对你是安全的. 在某些情况下,运动,尤其是游泳,会给LQTS患者带来致命的心律失常. 你应该和你的心脏病专家讨论你应该避免哪些活动.


治疗 options for LQTS include: