戒掉吃盐的习惯 to Lower 高血压

视频:太多的盐对你的健康有害. Here's how to know how much of it you're eating.


Cutting back on sodium can help lower your blood pressure, also known as hypertension. 一种方法是不使用食盐. However, 我们饮食中的大部分钠 来自包装食品和加工食品. 少吃这些食物可以:

  • 帮助减少钠的摄入量
  • 降低血压
  • Prevent 高血压 从发展中国家

The 美国心脏协会 recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day. 理想的极限是不超过1,对于大多数成年人来说,每天500个, especially for those with 高血压. Cutting out just 1,000 milligrams a day can improve blood pressure and heart health.


食盐的钠含量约为40%. It’s important to understand how much sodium is in salt so you can control how much you eat. 这些数字都是近似值.

  • 1/4茶匙盐= 575毫克钠
  • 1/2茶匙盐= 1150毫克钠
  • 3/4茶匙盐= 1725毫克钠
  • 1茶匙盐= 2300毫克钠


钠很狡猾! To control your sodium intake, check the Nutrition Facts labels and  choose lower-sodium options. Also choose fresh foods over processed foods when you can. 需要注意的食物包括:

  • Burgers
  • 墨西哥卷饼和墨西哥卷饼
  • 熟食肉三明治
  • 鸡蛋和煎蛋卷
  • 意大利面拌菜
  • Pizza
  • Poultry
  • Savory snacks (such as chips, crackers, popcorn)
  • Soups

Also talk to your pharmacist about your medications. Some over-the-counter and prescription medications contain sodium. 了解更多关于 每天摄入多少钠.



Here are some tips for reducing the amount of sodium you eat.


  • Choose lower-sodium foods or low-sodium versions of your favorites. It may take some time for your taste buds to adjust to a lower-sodium diet. But there are delicious options for low-sodium meals.
  • 在购买预制和包装食品时, 阅读标签. Adults in the United States consume up to 70% of their sodium from processed foods such as soups, 番茄酱, 调味品及罐头食品. Watch for the words “soda” and “sodium” and the symbol “Na” on labels. These terms warn that products contain sodium compounds. Many canned and frozen food labels print “low salt” or “low sodium” on the packaging.
  • 多吃水果和蔬菜. When buying in canned or frozen form, choose the no-salt added versions. 还要找那些没有添加酱汁的.
  • Choose unsalted nuts or seeds, dried beans, peas and lentils.
  • Choose unsalted or low-sodium fat-free broths, bouillons or soups.
  • 烹调的菜不要加盐.
  • Choose low-sodium canned vegetables and rinse them before using.
  • 把盐瓶从桌子上拿下来.
  • Ask your health care professional if a salt substitute is right for you. Some contain large amounts of potassium and very little sodium. Salt substitutes are not costly and may be used by most people, except those with kidney disease.
  • Use spices and herbs to add to the natural flavor of food.
  • 食物尝之前不要放盐. 享受食物的自然味道.
  • 遵循 DASH饮食计划.


餐馆的食物通常钠含量很高. But controlling your sodium intake doesn’t have to spoil the pleasure of dining out. 它只是意味着养成新的习惯. 如果你喜欢外出就餐,请遵循以下建议.

  • 熟悉低钠食物. 在菜单上找找看.
  • Be specific about what you want and how you want it prepared.
  • Request that your dish be prepared without salt.
  • 不要用盐瓶. 加入黑胡椒.
  • Add fresh lemon juice instead of salt to season fish and vegetables.
  • 点不加盐的蔬菜.
  • 订单的水果.
  • 少吃快餐和外卖.


There is a rich world of creative and flavorful options other than salt. Get started with this guide to spices, herbs and flavorings and the foods they match. 创意! 使用这些调味料来增加多样性:

  • Allspice: Lean meats, stews, tomatoes, peaches, applesauce, cranberry sauce, gravies
  • 杏仁精华: 布丁、水果
  • Basil: Fish, lamb, lean ground meats, stews, salads, soups, sauces, fish cocktails
  • 月桂叶: 瘦肉,炖菜,家禽,汤,西红柿
  • 葛缕子种子: Lean meats, stews, soups, salads, breads, cabbage, asparagus, noodles
  • Chives: Salads, sauces, soups, lean meat dishes, vegetables
  • 醋: 沙拉,蔬菜,酱汁
  • Cinnamon: 水果(尤其是苹果)、面包
  • 咖喱粉: Lean meats (especially lamb), veal, chicken, fish, tomatoes, tomato soup
  • Dill: 鱼酱汁, soups, tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, 菜花, 青豆, 黄瓜, potatoes, salads, macaroni, lean beef, lamb, chicken, fish
  • 大蒜(不是大蒜盐): Lean meats, fish, soups, salads, vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes
  • Ginger: 鸡肉,水果
  • 柠檬汁: Lean meats, fish, poultry, salads, vegetables
  • Mace: Hot breads, apples, fruit salads, carrots, 菜花, squash, potatoes, veal, lamb
  • 芥末(干): Lean meats, chicken, fish, salads, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, sauces
  • Nutmeg: Fruits, potatoes, chicken, fish, lean meatloaf, toast, veal, pudding
  • 洋葱粉(不是洋葱盐): 瘦肉,炖菜,蔬菜,沙拉,汤
  • Paprika: Lean meats, fish, soups, salads, sauces, vegetables
  • Parsley: Lean meats, fish, soups, salads, sauces, vegetables
  • 薄荷精华: 布丁、水果
  • Pimiento: 沙拉,蔬菜,砂锅菜
  • Rosemary: Chicken, veal, lean meatloaf, lean beef, lean pork, sauces, stuffings, potatoes, peas, lima beans
  • Sage: Lean meats, stews, biscuits, tomatoes, 青豆, fish, lima beans, onions, lean pork
  • Savory: Salads, lean pork, lean ground meats, soups, 青豆, squash, tomatoes, lima beans, peas
  • Thyme: Lean meats (especially veal and lean pork), sauces, soups, onions, peas, tomatoes, salads
  • Turmeric: 瘦肉,鱼,酱汁,米饭
