6 Steps for the Whole Family to be Healthy

happy parents giving kids piggyback ride outdoors

Making time for a healthy lifestyle can seem overwhelming. But the good news is that making a few small lifestyle changes can lead to heart-healthy habits that require little thought or effort.  

Get creative and work heart-healthy habits into your family’s life and daily schedule.

Whether you’re a single parent or married, 全职父母或工作, here are ways to make more time for the whole family to be more heart healthy: 

1. 确定活动的空闲线上电子游戏飞禽走兽.

Keep track of each family member’s daily activities for one week. You’ll get a snapshot of when you might be able to get the family together for physical activity. It can also help you see which activities you can cut back on.

Pick two 30-minute and two 60-minute time slots for family activity time. Weekdays are usually better for 30-minute activities and weekends are better for 60-minute activities. 尽量分散线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. 这里有一些建议 让你的孩子动起来 父母可以加入进来.  

2. Plan a weekly menu and prep your meals.

Keep track of how many times you grab food on the go for one week. Once you find blocks of time when you can do 一个小小的计划,学起来就容易多了 健康的制备方法 修复健康 零食 同时也使用 耐储存的食物.  

3. 简化你的家庭日程安排.

In today’s society we’re expected to do it all. But this type of non-stop lifestyle isn’t sustainable or healthy. Try prioritizing your activities and see what you can do without so you’ll have more time for the things that matter. 你也可以继续工作 管理压力的方法.

4. 循序渐进,不要大跃进.

If you’re the head of your household, making sure that all the heads and hearts in your home are healthy is a lot to handle. 关键是要循序渐进. Getting healthy is a journey; you don’t have to do everything at once.  

5. Ask everyone in the family to do their part.

Depending on their ages, kids can help prepare healthy meals and help around the house. Treat your family like a team and encourage everyone to work together. 

6. 以身作则.

We all need to do our best to walk the walk. If we want our kids to eat healthy and exercise, we’ve got to model that behavior. You’re not perfect, but if you’re determined and persistent, there’s not much that can stop you.