
Close up of Multi-ethnic group of people talking in a circle. 治疗

多年来, health care professionals thought the connection between mental health 和 heart health was strictly behavioral — such as a person who’s feeling down seeking relief by 吸烟, 饮酒或饮食不健康.

这种想法已经开始改变. Research shows possible physiological connections, too. Increasing evidence shows that biological 和 chemical factors that trigger mental health issues may also influence 心脏病.

Having mental health issues isn’t just about being unhappy; it’s having biochemical changes that predispose people to have other health issues, 包括心脏问题. So the head-heart connection should be an important consideration in patient care.


Many forms of mental health issues can affect 心脏病. You can have a temporary state of depression or a more severe, clinical case. You can also have varying levels of anxiety 和 stress, just to name a few of the most well-known problems.

日常压力, such as those related to work 和 traumatic incidents, 会增加患心脏病的风险吗. Social isolation 和 loneliness — common sources of stress — are also linked to increased risk of heart attack or 中风.


Heart disease or 中风 can cause anxiety or depression. So it’ important to h和le these in a healthy way.

不仅仅是那些人 心脏病 or 中风 想要抽烟或吃点东西来提振情绪. They may not have the energy to get out of bed, go to rehab 和 do things to regain their physical health.

Some might think, “I just had a heart attack, I should be depressed.” But minimizing their sadness, or dismissing it, could start them down a slippery slope.


Start by discussing how you’re feeling — physically 和 mentally — with your health care professional. They can help or refer you to the most appropriate care or provide the best place to start.

You should monitor the physical 和 mental health of yourself 和 your loved ones, especially those dealing with 心脏病 or 中风.

Your health care professional may ask questions about your physical 和 mental health, such as:

  • 你还在吗? 吸烟?
  • 你的饮食怎么样了?
  • 你是在检查你的 血压?
  • 你心情怎么样?
  • Are you enjoying the same things that used to?

还记得, 如果你抑郁了, anxious or stressed due to 心脏病 or 中风, 你可能需要后续护理. So work with your health care professional — for the sake of your mental 和 heart health.

Self Care Tip from a Heart Attack 和 Cardiac Arrest Survivor

Sharell Weeams - Heart Attack 和 Cardiac Arrest Survivor 和 member of the 2023 Go Red for Women Real Women Class of Survivors

“Mental well-being can mean the difference between self-care 和 self-destruction…especially when it comes to caring for our health 和 our heart. 跳舞帮助我释放压力, 得到锻炼, express myself 和 feel extreme joy all at the same time. 这是我精神健康的终极形式.”

Real Women Class 2023 Sharell Weeams dancing