How to Upgrade Your Morning Routine


A good start to a productive, successful day depends on your morning habits and rituals. Here’s how to make your morning routine healthy, 最鼓舞人心的是, easy — using triggers and habit chaining to kick-start an amazing day.


Waking up may be the very first habit you ever established, and it’s a pretty solid one! You’ve probably done it every day of your life without even trying (for the most part).


  • When you open your eyes in the morning what do you usually do in the first few minutes?
  • Do you go back to sleep, then reach for your phone and jump out of bed because you’re already late?

While the latter may be the most alarming part of your current morning ritual, there are several other repeating habits that are most likely in the mix.

You probably start each day with a few of these:

  1. 使用洗手间
  2. 刷牙
  3. 洗脸
  4. 洗个澡
  5. 穿好衣服
  6. 化妆和/或做头发

想想看. 你把订单弄混了吗? 可能不经常. 你通常是自动驾驶的.


Each one of these long-standing habits is a trigger that cues the next behavior. A trigger tells your brain to automatically start the next thing in your ritual.  

By using the power of a long-standing established habit and then adding a tiny, 这是新的一步, you can build a new habit that lasts.

This method is called habit stacking. In its simplest sense, you attach a new habit to an already established one.


The deal is, willpower and motivation are not enough to create new habits. The best way is to identify your established triggers and stack new habits onto them.


Think back to your typical morning routine, and you’ll find that there are several potential spots to add a tiny new habit. 这个小习惯可以是:

  • 用心呼吸
  • 为一天设定优先级
  • 感恩的时刻
  • 一个俯卧撑

Once your tiny habit gets stacked on to your established triggers, it’s easier to expand. So maybe the 一个俯卧撑 turns into five over time. 但它的美妙之处在于, 每次你洗脸的时候, the urge to hit that push-up next will start to become a habit.

So, what tiny habit are you going to stack onto your morning routine? Let’s do this, and be Healthy for Good!