
Do you ever feel like the serving sizes on food labels, in restaurant portions and what you’re hungry for don’t line up? If you’re looking for a simple way to eat healthy, use this handy serving size chart to get the right balance of nutrition on your plate.

The 美国心脏协会 recommends an overall healthy dietary pattern tailored to your personal and cultural food preferences. 强调蔬菜的多样性, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish, 无脂和低脂乳制品, and liquid, 非热带植物油. If you eat poultry or red meat, choose lean or extra lean meats or skinless poultry. Choose foods that are unprocessed or minimally processed where possible. And balance energy intake (calories eaten) and output (physical activity) to maintain a healthy body weight. 这都是关于做出更健康的选择.

What’s a serving?

食用分量是一种指导. It’s not a recommendation of how much to eat or drink.

The 营养成分标签 on packaged foods will show the calories and nutrients in a typically consumed serving size. 它可能比你平时吃的多或少, so you might need to do a little math to figure out the calories in a portion.

Be aware of “部分失真.” The suggested serving size is often less than the amount you typically eat or are served, 尤其是在餐馆里.


Here are the recommended number of daily or weekly servings for adults of each food group based on eating a total of 2,每天1000卡路里. 你的卡路里需求可能会有所不同, 取决于你的年龄, activity level and whether you are trying to lose, 增加或保持体重.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to measure everything you eat. We’ve provided a few examples of what represents one serving of common foods. You may eat more than one serving from a food group in a meal, or fewer than one in another meal. As long as you are getting the recommended daily amounts on average over two to three days, 你会达到目标的.


  • Wide variety of vegetables; fresh, frozen, canned or dried1
  • Two and a half (2 1/2) servings of vegetables per day, 包括深绿色, red/orange, 淀粉类及其他)
  • 一份蔬菜的例子:
    • 2杯生绿叶蔬菜沙拉
    • 一杯切好的蔬菜
    • 1 cup 100% vegetable juice, low-sodium or no-salt-added2


  • Wide variety of fruits; fresh, frozen, canned or dried1
  • 每天吃两份水果
  • 一份水果的例子:
    • 一个中等大小的水果
    • 一杯切好的水果
    • 一杯100%的果汁2
    • ½ cup dried fruit1


  • 全谷物而不是精制谷物
  • 每天六(6)份谷物
  • 一份谷物的例子:
    • One slice bread
    • One small tortilla
    • 一杯即食麦片片
    • 1盎司(⅛杯)生意大利面或米饭
    • 半杯煮熟的米饭、意大利面或麦片
    • 3杯爆米花


  • 低脂和无脂
  • 每天三(3)份
  • 一份乳制品的例子:
    • 1 cup milk
    • 1 cup yogurt
    • 1 ounce cheese

Protein Foods

  • Mostly from plant sources (legumes and nuts); fish and seafood; nonfat and low-fat dairy products in place of full-fat versions; if you eat meat, lean cuts and skinless poultry; avoid processed meats.
  • Five and a half-ounce (5 ½-ounce) equivalents of protein per day including:
    • 5 ounces per week of nuts, seeds, beans, peas or lentils
    • 每周吃6到8盎司海鲜, 最好是富含油脂的鱼,比如鲑鱼, mackerel, cobia, striped bass, 鲱鱼或沙丁鱼
  • 一盎司蛋白质当量的例子:
    • 1/4杯煮熟的豆子,豌豆或小扁豆
    • 1/4杯或2盎司豆腐
    • 1/2 ounce nuts or seeds or 1 tablespoon peanut butter
    • 1盎司煮熟的海鲜、肉类或家禽
    • 一个鸡蛋或两个蛋清

Fats and Oil

  • Liquid plant oils instead of tropical oils (coconut, palm and palm kernel) and animal fats (lard and butter) or partially hydrogenated fats
  • 3 tablespoons of fat and oil per day (or 9 teaspoons)
  • 提供脂肪和油的例子:
    • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (canola, corn, olive, soybean, safflower)
    • 1汤匙软人造黄油
    • 一汤匙低脂蛋黄酱
    • 一汤匙清淡的沙拉酱

1 Frozen, canned and dried produce can be as nutritious as fresh. Compare nutrition information on package labels and choose products with the lowest amounts of added sugars and sodium. Look for vegetables without salty sauces and fruits packed in their own juices or water instead of heavy syrup. 将罐装农产品和豆类沥干并冲洗干净.

2 One cup of 100% juice can fulfill one of your recommended daily servings of fruit or vegetables. But keep in mind, juice isn’t as filling as whole fruits and vegetables and may have extra calories and less nutrients such as fiber. 避免加糖果汁和果汁饮料.

3 Includes nondairy nut/grain/soy-based milks that are fortified with calcium and vitamin D and with no added sugar.