Dairy Products: Milk, Yogurt 和 Cheese



For adults 和 children age 2 和 older, use milk that's low in dairy fats. This includes fortified fat-free milk, fortified fat-free milk powder, 和 1% 和 2% low-fat milk. Fat-free 和 1% fat milk provide slightly more nutrients than whole milk 和 2% fat milk 和 are much lower in fat, 饱和脂肪, 胆固醇和卡路里.

For adults: two to three servings of fat-free or low-fat dairy products daily. For children, two to two 和 a half servings a day. For teenagers 和 older adults, three servings each day. 


  • 无脂牛奶.
  • 1%低脂牛奶.
  • 脱脂或低脂奶粉.
  • 脱脂蒸发奶.
  • Buttermilk made from fat-free or 1% fat milk.
  • 纯无脂或低脂酸奶.
  • 冷冻无脂或低脂酸奶.
  • Drinks made with fat-free or 1% fat milk 和 cocoa (or other low-fat drink powders).
  • 低脂奶酪(干凝乳或低脂), 白软干酪, low-fat natural cheeses or processed cheeses made with fat-free or low-fat milk with no more than 3 grams of fat per ounce 和 no more than 1 gram of 饱和脂肪 per ounce).
  • 植物性牛奶替代品, choose products that have been fortified with vitamins A 和 D, 比如燕麦, 豆奶或杏仁奶.
  • Fat-free or low-fat ice cream (no more than 3 grams of fat per 1/2 cup serving).


  • 全脂牛奶.
  • Full-fat cheeses, yogurt 和 ice cream.
  • Milk substitutes that contain coconut oil, palm oil or palm kernel oil. These oils are very high in 饱和脂肪s. Saturated fats tend to raise the level of LDL-C cholesterol in the blood. High LDL-C cholesterol is one of the six major risk factors for heart disease that can be changed, 处理或修改. It can also lead to developing other heart 和 blood vessel diseases. 

提示: If you're used to whole-milk products (3.5% fat), you may find it easier to make the change slowly 和 gradually. For example, try 2% low-fat milk first, then change to 1%低脂牛奶. This may help ease the transition to fat-free milk with the gradual changes in taste 和 texture. 

注意: The servings per day of milk products are higher to reflect revised recommendations for calcium intake — 1,000 milligrams for all adults until age 50; 1,50岁以上200毫克. For vitamin D, the revised recommendations are 600 I.U.s (international units) for everyone age 51 和 older; 800 I.U.71岁及以上的老人则为5岁.





